Date-Free Chocolate Protein Balls

Date-Free Chocolate Protein Balls



Makes 18-20

1 cup ground oats (process first in nutri bullet or food processor)

1/3 cup flaxseed meal

2 scoops (2/3 cup) protein powder

2 tbsp cocoa powder

1 cup natural peanut (100% nuts)

2-3 tbsp flaxseed or coconut oil

2-3 tbsp runny honey or maply syrup

1 pinch sea salt



  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl or food processor until mixture forms a dough consistency. You can add a splash of water if the mixture doesn’t come together in your hands.

  2. Roll into 20 cent-sized balls.

  3. Store in an airtight container in the refridgerator for up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for 2 months.


  • The benefit of date free protein balls is there low sugar content. This helps to stabalise blood glucose.

  • These are great for women’s hormonal regulation due to the inclusion of flaxseed, rich in phytoestrogens which assist in estrogen balance.

  • You can roll these into bigger balls and they can be used as high protein, high fat snacks two times a day to assist with weight gain in between 3 meals.

  • These can also assist with period regulation. Ensuring high fat/protein snacks support menstrual regulation.

  • Store your flaxseed meal in the fridge so it doesn’t go rancid.

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